Living Vision deploys state-of-the-art program designs and methods to prepare, deliver and measure your important programs to bring your vision alive through engaging leadership and successful commercial behaviors of your leaders and staff members.
Our belief is that we lead people to better manage the business. Therefore we have introduced various methods to support personal growth as well as business success. Accompained by our modern up-to-date program documentation representing the latest acedemic results from leadership and commercial studies as well as from the newest neuroscience insights. All these finding will be destilled into KISS (Keep It Simple & Solid) tools and transfered to our Associates via the Living Vision Circle Academy.
The following elements are deployed to guarantee a sustainable intervention that benefits substantially the individuals in your organization as well as accelerates your business performance sustainably:
Personal Growth
360° Leadership & Commercial Behavior Survey - To assess the current state and the future desired state related to the individual's business responsibilities in your organization
Personality Test - To tailor the programs to the individual needs meeting the requirements of your company strategy
Intake Meeting - To build essential trust between the program participant and the Living Vision coach to draw a comprehensive image about the individual needs to cope successfully with the business demands
Triangle Interview - To combine the view of the indvidual, the superior and the Living Vision coach to generate a powerful program for both the person and the business
Business Success
Impact Measurement Platform I.M.P. - Defining the business KPIs to positively impacted by your program
Program Impact Contract P.I.C. - Stating the individual objectives of each participant following your program to achieve the defined business KPIs
P.I.C. Action Plan - Encompassing the actions of each participant in your program to guarantee achievement of the P.I.C. objectives and your business KPIs
R.A.P. Methodolgy - Reviewing, applying and preparing - crucial steps after each program module to move from class room experience to real-life application
Living Vision Coaching Kit L.V.C.K. - Guiding the superiors of your program participants in coaching them engagingly before, during and after each program module to assure personal growth and business results
Living Vision E-Surveys L.V.E.S. - Measuring the temperature of your company culture regarding how it is percieved, how it is lived and how it shall be further developed to support your business substantially
Blended e-Learning - Supporting your imporant initiative before and after each program module as pre-qualification and post-certification of the class room events
Leadership Inspiration Analysis L.I.A. - Evaluating pre-program how your leaders are perceived by your organization in applying the 25 most important Leadership Elements in their daily practice to inspire and engage your people. And evaluating post-program six months later how your organi-zation is perceiving the positive impact of the program with higher inspiration and engagment scores to increase your business success
Commercial Impact Analysis C.I.A. - Evaluating pre-program how your prospects and clients perceive the professionalism of your commercial force in applying the 25 most important Com-mercial Elements in their daily sales practice to inspire and engage your clients. And evaluating post-program six months later how your client base is perceiving the positive impact of the pro-gram with a higher inspiration and engagment to cooperate with you as strategic partner growing your business
Program Documentation
For each core topic a Mnemonic Aid Card M.A.C. with a concrete KISS checklist is provided
To support immediate transfer to real-life situations specific Worksheets W.S.F. are deployed
„All documentation can be made available in hard copy providing your program participants with their personal Inspirational Leadership Booklet I.L.B. and/or Commercial Impact Booklet C.I.B.
And for easy e-access a PDF version can be obtained„ and tailor-made E-Paper scan be produced for your specific program requirements
All documenation can easily be tailored to your company strategy by our Design Department using the desired company language and corporate identity

Mnemonic Aid Card M.A.C.

Work Sheet W.S.F.

Circle Academy
The Living Vision Circle Academy serves the following purposes:
Transfering scienctifc research into practical and KISS tools to bring your Vision alive through engaging Leadership and impactful commercial behaviors
Bringing our Associates on the next level of excellence in these topics to support your programs
Aligning global international progam roll-outs to guarantee a unified approach with regional and local flavouring taking the country cultures into account
Onboarding new Associates to our unité-de-doctrine approach of a positive confrontational program style to grow your people individually and as a team to assure your business success